To publish your advertising image in our magazine or to sponsor our website and our events, we invite you to contact management at: 418-623-5080.
Prices vary depending on the size and frequency of your advertising image.
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To publish your advertising image in our magazine or to sponsor our website and our events, we invite you to contact management at: 418-623-5080.
Prices vary depending on the size and frequency of your advertising image.
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New phone number
toll free: 1-855-675-4662
Structure of volunteer committees
Finance committee
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Responsible persons: Chantal Fortin
Achievements: Partnership and sponsorship plan for the 35th
Activities committee
The objectives of the activities committee are to organize and offer interesting and relevant activities and workshops to the members of the association. We organize weekly activities, such as coffee meetings and Viactive, monthly activities, such as conferences and happy hours, and traditional activities, such as sugar shack dinners and Christmas brunches. In addition, we are always looking to improve our services year after year.
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Responsible persons: Michel Dionne and Marie-Lou Lessard
communication Committee
The communication committee's objectives are to produce the magazine Se Comprendre three times a year. The members of the committee are involved in researching themes and sponsorships as well as in editing the magazine. They are also administrators of our Facebook pages and feed them with articles about deafness.
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Responsible persons: Pierre-Marc Doucet and Anne-Sophie Verreault
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Achievements: Magazine December 2019
Human resources committee
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Responsible persons: Renée Lecours and Marie-Hélène Tremblay
Accessibility committee
The goal of the accessibility committee is to advance the rights of the hearing impaired in various issues. Depending on the interests of committee members, we form sub-committees to work on specific issues. For example, we are working on the accessibility of cinemas, hospitals and the accommodations available at the courthouse for the hearing impaired.
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Responsible persons: Martin Lesage and Anne-Sophie Verreault
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Achievements: Letter "Culture accessible as a gift"
Ménière Committee
The Ménière committee aims to mobilize and break the isolation of people with Ménières disease and who suffer from vestibular disorders. The committee also wishes to organize certain activities, led by a qualified counselor, allowing people to share their experience and to live their illness and / or disability in a more positive way through workshops and support groups. People could also exchange some advice and provide mutual support. In addition, we would like to create an information guide that would bring together all the essential information about Ménière's disease and vestibular disorders: the symptoms, the repercussions, which professional to go to see, the exams to take, the solutions, the strategies. crisis management, etc. Those in need could thus have access to the necessary information and to the resources available in a much more efficient and specific manner. Finally, we would like to integrate the National Day of Ménière's disease with that of the JNA which, thanks to its transversality, would allow Ménière's disease to have a much better visibility.
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Responsible persons: Nancy Porter and Marie-Lou Lessard
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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.